

About me


psiholog Brasov

I’m a Psychologist, Psychotherapist in supervision in Transactional Analysis, Trainer,  Creativity Facilitator. In present I work as a psychotherapist and I run workshops, personal development groups in Transactional Analysis in Brasov, Romania.

I have experience in psychotherapy area, the personal development area and training area.

I am a relational psychotherapist and I believe that in an emotionally attuned relationship where we feel safe we can grow and mature from the psycho-emotional point of view. I am a warm and empathetic person.

I believe that the joy of life comes from our contact with our own person, from being who we are and expressing ourselves in accordance with ourselves.

I am glad to accompany the persons who wish to start their own journey towards self-knowledge, healing, development of personal power and success.

At the same time, within the seminars I hold, I am glad to share in a creative manner my knowledge and understanding about the human psyche with the ones interested in their self-knowledge and personal development.


My curent activity:


Individual Psychotherapy for adults, Couples Psychotherapy and Group psychotherapy,

Personal development groups, Seminars


Personal development groups:


  • The Personal Development Group: „How to have authentic relationships with ourselves and with others”
  • The Personal Development Group for parents: „How to have authentic relationships with ourselves, with our inner child and children own children”
  • The Personal Development Group „Developing leaders by developing safe basis”
  • The Personal Development Group Family Constellations method „How to let go of negative family scenarios”


Seminars :

  • ” Seminar for self-knowledge through Transactional Analysis – Self-confidence”
  • „Seminar for self-knowledge through Transactional Analysis – Effective Communication”
  • „Presence and contact in Family Constellations work – A parallel between Transactional Analysis and Family Constellations from the perspective of the transgenerational life script”• ” Children ages and their emotional needs „
  • ” Separation and the grieving process – how to manage the loss in our lives „
  • ” The Psychological games – how we confirm our scenario believes of life and avoid contact with suffering „
  • „How to let go of negative family scenarios by Psychogenealogy, Transactional Analysis and Family Constellations „
  • ” How do we chooses whom we fall in love with”
  • „To understand my own sexual needs – about sex and intimacy „
  • „The relationship with my body „
  • ” Exploring our inner child through positive strokes and creativity exercises „
  • ” Unconscious emotional needs of parents and their impact on their children „
  • ” Exploring own life script „
  • ” Success, money and prosperity – limiting beleives of our life script”
  • ” Couple relationship between the need for love and transgenerational messages „
  • ” Leadership – How to unleash your leadership in safety bases „
  • „What is psychotherapy ? – An approach in terms of Transactional Analysis „
  • „Seminars for self-knowledge through Transactional Analysis „
  • ” Let’s understand our own life story trought Psychogenealogy, Transactional Analysis and Family Constellations „


Below you can find out some details from of these seminars:




I thank everybody who gave me their permission to publish this testimonials.

This testimonials offer you, the ones who don’t know me yet, the opportunity to have an image from the “inside” these seminars.


Self-Awareness Workshops through Transactional Analysis – Self Confidence


What did you like at this seminar? 

poza atelier AT

  • I enjoyed very much participating yesterday in this workshop about Self Confidence. I found out, in fact I realised a lot of things which I am sure I will use for my personal change and for people around me. A good word, an appreciation, said from your hart, honestly, can make wonders. Many times we are too tired, indifferent or coreless to say it aloud and it seems it’s time to change. I am an introvert person and the most of times I have difficulties to express myself in public. Yesterday I also liked very much the participants, the way they interacted with each-others, what they said and the way in which they said it. I felt very well with and inside this group. I thank you for the yesterday course and I wish from the bottom my hart to participate the next workshops. I’d like very much to achieve an inside balance, so that I could always smile from the bottom of my soul, with a bright smile which would help people around. (Corina Lelutiu, engineer)
  • I loved the atmosphere, the openness of the counselor – psychologist Gabi Popescu, the openness of the colleges who to part in the workshop.(Laura, teacher)
  • The theory including examples from real life; the “worming up” of the workshop by offering positive strokes relaxed and opened the atmosphere; handouts and the flipchart, a well prepared workshop. (Adria programmer)
  • I liked you. I liked the way which you presented the information and the tranquility and peace which you transmitted. (Pintilei Mihaela, administrator of a creative business)
  • I enjoyed the atmosphere, the leader, people around. (Paula Baciu, volunteer)
  • The beginning part with what we like at others. It was interesting to discover what other people think about me. (Cristiana, student)
  • I learnt in a friendly environment about the importance the positive strokes. I understood how I can be a better parent. (Nechifor Lacramioara, English teacher)
  • I liked the fact that the workshop was based on active interaction between the participants. (Alex, project manager)
  • As a rather introvert person I learnt that it’s very important to accept appreciate the way I am because I am ok. (Corina, engineer )


What is the most valuable think you have learnt in this seminar?


  • “Never give unconditional negative strokes” (Madalina, student)
  • “The most valuable think I’ve learnt was how increase myself esteem the people I love. I also realised how I can change the behaviour of my children ” (Laura, teacher)
  • I learnt that, in fact “not praising ourselves is not good, but criticizing our self is negative think” (Adria, programmer)
  • ““Life positions” and the way in which we should act for winning” (Pintilei Mihaela, administrator of a creative business)
  • “No matter what happens e have to protect our self-esteem” (Paula Baciu, volunteer)
  • “Unconditional positive strokes! I have to offer them myself more often” (Cristiana, student)
  • “Types of caring and the way they influence our adult behaviour.” (Ramona, Sales Coordinator)
  • “I learnt I should enjoy and value more my personality pluses.” (Lacramioara Nechifor, English teacher)
  • “I should offer more unconditional positive strokes and encouragements in my everyday life.” (Alex, project manager)
  • “Glad to have found out about the positive and negative strokes” (Corina, engineer)


Self-Awareness Workshops through Transactional Analysis – Fear of abandonment


 poza atelier atasament

What did you like at this seminar?


  • The exercise of looking into each other’s eyes. The worm atmosphere, useful information for my personal development. The accessible content that helps you understand and become aware of different aspects in an easy way ”(Vizeli Kinga, psychologist)
  • “I appreciated the fact that the theme resonated with every participant in a particular unique way and the general spirit of expressing feelings and sharing. I felt it was a safe environment in which everybody can ask questions and can be open knowing that he/she’s speaking in front of group interested in what he/she has to say”(Iulia, medical student)
  • “I liked the interaction, clear explanations, the subject presented” (Dumitrescu Tina, student)


What is the most valuable think you have learnt in this seminar?

  • “I used to constantly ask for love proof from people around because of my fear of being abandoned; because of the same fear now I don’t ask for proof that I am loved at all.”(Vizeli Kinga, psychologist)
  • “I found out that there are feelings and reasons at the roots of my behaviour that I wasn’t aware of.”(Iulia, medical student)



Some article I wrote


How to nurish the feminine soul. Womanhood retreat in Crete

Who am I ? At the European Conference on Transactional Analysis, Geneva, 2016

Psychological Analysis of the Story “Heidi, the Girl of the Alps” by Johanna Spyri – Adaptation and Resilience

Following in Heidi’s steps in Switzerland

Movie recommendation „Oui, mais…” (Yes, but… )

The Transgenerational Life Script

Movie Recommendation: Coco (2017) – On Family Loyalty and Constellations

Family Constellations

Anxiety and Panic Attacks


Relevant experince


Development Coordinator of the Romanian Association of Transactional Analysis

Consulting & Training in the Atlas Consel Training Services and Codecs


Professional training


Continuous training in Transactional Analysis

Train the Trainers (Atlas Consel Training Services)


Academic training


Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest


Other trainings and workshops like participant


  • Workshop „seing and being seen” , by Brabara Morgan
  • Workshop ” Usage of expressive – creative means ( drawing, modeling , game) in the assessment and treatment of children,” by Lecturer . Dr. Elena Otilia Vladislav
  • Continuous training course: ” Therapeutic approach of the emotional and behavioural disorders of children ” , by Anda Pacurar
  • Seminar ” Sandplay and storytelling ” by Rosalind Heiko
  • Workshop ” The Body in Psychotherapy ” , by John Heath , TSTA And Jamie Mcdowell
  • ” Creative Attitudes – Stimulating creativity for integration and professional development „
  • Introductory Seminar in Sandplay Therapy, facilitated by Barbara Turner
  • Workshop „Developing Emotional Intelligence ” , facilitated by Daniel Bichis
  • NLP seminars
  • Communication Workshops
  • Groups of Art Therapy and Creativity
  • Personal development groups in Experiential Therapy
  • Transpersonal Development Group
  • Workshop ” tone color ” ” Awareness and Self – Awarness „
  • Therapeutic Techniques in psychoanalysis . Counseling Vs. Therapy


Participation in Conferences



I am member in the follow Associations


Romanian Association Transactional Analysis (www.arat.ro)

European Association for Transactional Analysis (www.eatanews.org)

International Transactional Analysis Association (www.ittaworld.org)

Romanian College of Psychologists


For an appointment:


Send an email to psihoterapeut[@]gabrielapopescu[.]ro and schedule yourself a psychotherapy session to see if it is what you need .

Taking part in a first psychotherapy session could help you understand if this is or not what you were looking for.


Psychologist Brasov